Thompson, J. L. W., Richmond, A. S., Barboza, B., Bradley, J., White, J. N., & Landrum, R. E. (2020). Measuring what students know: SNAP's guidelines and suggestions for assessing Goal 1 content in psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 47(4), 262-273. doi:10.1177/0098628320945113

Landrum, R. E. (2018, July 19). The parsing of grade and assessment processes for faculty member continuous improvement. The Novice Professor [Blog]. Retrieved from

Landrum, R. E., & McCarthy, M. A.  (2018). Measuring the outcomes of a baccalaureate in psychology: Promises, challenges, and next steps.  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4, 55-63.  doi:10.1037/stl0000101

Landrum, R. E., Viskupic, K., Shadle, S. E., & Bullock, D. (2017).  Assessing the STEM landscape: The Current Instructional Climate Survey and the Evidence-Based Instructional Practices Adoption Scale.  International Journal of STEM Education, 4.  doi:10.1186/s40594-017-0092-1

Landrum, R. E.  (2016, April).  Meaningful assessment of teaching and learning outcomes [Two-Hour Workshop].  American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Pacific Northwest Section Conference, Boise, ID.

Landrum, R. E.  (2014, April).  APA Undergraduate Guidelines 2.0: Assessment, skills, and the scientist-educator model (oh my!).  WPA Invited Distinguished Speaker presentation at the Western Psychological Association conference, Portland, OR.

Heinzen, T. E., Landrum, R. E., Gurung, R. A., & Dunn, D. S. (2014). Game-based assessment: The mashup we’ve been waiting for. In T. Reiners & L. C. Wood (Eds.), Gamification in education and business (pp. 201-218). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Landrum, R. E., & McCarthy, M. A.  (2013).  Assessment practices for undergraduate psychology: A model-view perspective.  In D. S. Dunn, S. C. Baker, C. M. Mehrotra, R. E. Landrum, & M. A. McCarthy (Eds.), Assessing teaching and learning in psychology: Current and future perspectives (pp. 8-18).  Belmont, CA: Cengage.

Gurung, R. A. R., & Landrum, R. E. (2013).  Assessment and the scholarship of teaching and learning.  In D. S. Dunn, S. C. Baker, C. M. Mehrotra, R. E. Landrum, & M. A. McCarthy (Eds.), Assessing teaching and learning in psychology: Current and future perspectives (pp. 159-171).  Belmont, CA: Cengage.

Landrum, R. E.  (2011, March).  Psychology baccalaureates and skills assessment: Unmet challenges and a clarion call. [25th Anniversary Invited Address].  Farmingdale State College Teaching of Psychology conference, Tarrytown, NY.